Jawai Dam or known as Jawai bandh locally, is approximately 130KM from Udaipur which lies on way to Mount Abu, in Pali district. It is picaresque dam on river Jawai, which is a tributary to river Luni. Its popularly known among wildlife enthusiast as destination for spotting Indian leopard or Panther easily. But this is also interesting location for birding.

On 31 Jan 2016, Vijendra Prakash Parmar, Varun Lunia, Lokesh Devpura and myself went to Jawai Bandh specially for birding. We started at 5AM from Udaipur and reached there by 7:30AM. The drive is good from Udaipur to Pindwara which is four lane national highway with two toll collection in between. It has less traffic so one can drive at high speed. There are also two tunnels.
We walked around the dam and its backwater till 12PM. After that we went to luandara to see panther. But then, we could not see one.
We saw the following birds
1. Indian Eagle Owl
2. Indian Courser
3. Pallas Gull
4. Spot Billed Duck
5. Bar Headed geese
6. Indian Darter
7. Rudy Shelduck
8. Little Cormorant
9. Common Kestrel
10. Steppe Eagle
11. Short Toed Snake Eagle
12. Blue Rockthrush
13. Paddyfield Pipit
14. Blackwinged Stilt
16. White Tailed lapwing
17. Knob-billed Duck
18. Jungle Crow
19. Brown Shrike
20. Red vented Bulbul
21. Black Drongo
22. Common Pochard
23. Purple Heron
24. Grey Heron
25. Cattle Egret
26. Little Egret
27. Pond Heron
28. Little Stint
29. Little Ringed Plover
30. Red Wattled Lapwing
31. Northern Shoveller
32. Northern Pintail
Apart from birds, we also saw a Indian jackal, Mugger Crocodile. Most probably, Jawai dam is best place to see a Indian Rock Eagle and Mugger Crocodile and best time is to visit jawai Dam is in winter. One can stay either in Udaipur or in Mount Abu and take a day long trip with Jawai bandh.
Thanks for the list. I got some great information here…
Thanks, it is a great guidance for all tourists.