On 26th January, 2013, we went to Ghasa Lake after getting news of arrival of Greater Flamingos and Great White Pelican in the afternoon around 1:30PM. It is approximately 48KM from Udaipur city centre and we drove via Dabok choraha and turned left towards Mavli. After that, we crossed the abandoned cement
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factory and saw tall mobile phone towers. There we turned left for Khemli and took right just before railway crossing. After railway crossing we go straight without taking left turn to Ghasa village. It is around 10KM from Khemli to Ghasa village. From Ghasa we take left turn and keep driving straight for around 5KM and we reached the Ghasa lake. Most probably, this lake is known as Ghadhel Talab among local people!

This lake is good for afternoon photography and bird watching according to direction of the Sun. We saw at least 100 greater flamingos and around 200 Great White Pelicans. Apart from that, we also saw the following birds :-
1. Glossy Ibis
2. Cormorant
3. Black Kite
4. Black Redstart
5. Common Teal
6. Spoon billed Duck
7. Northern Shoveler
8. Northern Pintails
9. Painted Stork
10. Spotbilled Duck
12. White Wagtail
13. Citrine Wagtail
14. Red napped Black Ibis
15. Little Grebe
16. Grey Heron
17. Egrets
18. Green Bee Eater
19. King fisher
20. Indian Robin
21. Rose ringed Parakeet
And many more. I think, there were at least 3000 thousand birds of different species. I will upload the pictures soon!