is managed by Uttam Pegu, Vijendra Prakash Parmar bird photographers based in Udaipur. Going for bird photography tour is our hobby and we have also started conducting birding tour.
We are based in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. Udaipur is base city for many birding sites around it. It has many wild life sanctuaries which have rich avia-fauna as well as many wet lands, lakes around it which attracts many migratory birds as well as host many birds.
Our Address:-
HealthyLife Farms
Khakrafala, Bagurwa, Tehsil : Sarada
Udaipur – 313703, Rajasthan India
Mobile : +91-9460421469/ 9413000690
Email :
Twitter : uttampegu
Contact Person : Vijendra Prakash Parmar
Which are the birding areas in Mt Abu & surroundings? Can we get a birding guide there? We are visiting on 21st Oct