With goo rains in Udaipur this year 2014, almost all lakes in and around are full of water and we expect that all migratory birds would visit Mewar region. Though one important birding site, Menar did not get enough water this year, but still it seems to have already started attracting many migratory birds.

Recently, we did a tour of all major birding sites in Udaipur from 24 too 26 October 2014, and have prepared which birds one should expect to see during month of November as well as in coming months.
1. Palash’s Fish Eagle
2. Marsh Harrier
3. Black Winged Kite
4. Steppe Eagle
5. Imperial Eagle
6. Tawny Eagle
7. Common Kestral
8. Crested Serpent Eagle
9. Short Toed Snake Eagle
10. Oriental Honey Buzzard
11. White Eyed Buzzard
12. Common teal
13. Rudy Shelduck
14. Mallard
15. Northern Shoveller
16. Northern Pintail
17. Greater Cormorant
18. Greater White Pelican
19. Common Crane
20. Sarus Crane
21. European Hobby
22. Common Starling
23. European Wigeon
24. Verditer Flycatcher
25. Redbreasted Flycatcher
26. White naped Tit
27. Grey Headed canary Flycatcher
28. Ultramarine Flycatcher
29. Greenish Warbler
30. Tree Pipit
31. Paddyfield Pipit
32. Desert Wehatear
32. variable Wheatear
33. Egyptian Vulture
34. Long billed Vulture
35. Spot-billed Duck
36. Cotton Pigmy Goose
37. Bluethroat
38. Siberian Stonechat
39. White Wagtail
40. Yellow Wagtail
41. Greylag Goose
42. Bar headed geese
43. Lesser White-throat
44. red shank
45. Purple Heron
46. Ruff
47. Greater Flamingos
48. Blacktailed Godwit
49. White-Tailed Lapwing
50. Shikra
51. Painted Stork
52. Whiskered Turn
53. River Tern
54. Common Snipe
55. Common Pochard
56. Rosy Pelican
57. Green Sandpiper
58. Wood Sandpiper
59. Red Shank
60. Small Pratincole
And many others!
So, November till April 2015 should be exciting time for birding in Udaipur. If you need any birding guide or go for one day birding tour in Udaipur to see above birds, Contact us.